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图1 LVDT接口的完整电路
图2 PSoC微控制器的内部电路框图
将LVDT输出加在同步稳压器上,跟随一个低通滤波器,产生直流电压送至ADC或直接驱动模拟反馈控制系统。在PSoC微控制器中,连接到ADC的低通开关电容滤波器需要相同的采样时钟驱动这两个电路,导致PsoC的11位Δ-S ADC的转换速率大约是低通滤波器角频率的一半。同步稳压产生两倍激励频率纹波频率,因此更容易被低通滤波器去除。将、重新设计低通滤波器的角频率为激励频率的三分之一,就可以在等于或低于1 LSB(最低有效位)标准差下,使LVDT输出的测量达到11位分辨率。
用配置为计数器链的逻辑电路块将PsoC的24MHz内部系统时钟分频,产生开关电容器模拟电路模块所需的数字时钟信号。在加电或复位后,PSoC的CPU配置所有可配置的模拟和数字电路模块,并开始运行。从那以后,硬件便能够激励LVDT,并无需CPU参与的情况下,以每秒500次采样速率测量其输出。当PSoC CPU运行在12MHz时,处理ADC内部动作和中断只消耗CPU不到3%的资源。
图3 可用于附加功能的可配置模块
1、"Linear variable differential transformer," Wikipedia
PSoC microcontroller and LVDT measure position
Low-cost mixed-signal processor eliminates external analog circuitry.
Sigurd Peterson, Sig3 Consulting, Aloha, OR; Edited by Brad Thompson and Fran Granville -- EDN, 10/26/2006
Connecting an LVDT (linear-variable-differential transformer) to a microcontroller can prove challenging because an LVDT requires ac-input excitation and measurement of ac outputs to determine its movable core's position (Reference 1). Most microcontrollers lack dedicated ac-signal-generation and -processing capabilities and thus require external circuitry to generate hARMonic-free, amplitude- and frequency-stable sine-wave signals. Conversion of an LVDT's output signals' amplitude and phase into a form compatible with a microcontroller's internal ADC usually requires additional external circuitry.
In contrast with conventional microcontrollers, Cypress Semiconductor Corp's PSoC microcontrollers include user-configurable logic and analog blocks that simplify generation and measurement of ac signals. PSoC devices have the unusual feature of being able to generate analog signals without demanding continuous CPU attention. The PSoC's flexible analog and digital blocks can drive an LVDT and measure its outputs without requiring any external circuitry. Figure 1 shows the complete circuit of the LVDT interface, and Figure 2 shows the PSoC microcontroller's internal circuit blocks.
The PSoC uses pairs of user-configurable switched-capacitor blocks to implement both bandpass and lowpass filters. You can create a high-quality sine wave by generating a square wave and applying it to a PSoC switched-capacitor filter through a modulator built into the first switched-capacitor block. Passing the square wave through a narrow bandpass filter centered on the square wave's fundamental frequency removes most of the harmonics.
To obtain the highest fidelity sine waveform from a PSoC switched-capacitor bandpass filter, use the highest possible oversampling rate |