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[光电电路] 音量控制M62446的驱动C程序

admin 发表于 2013-1-17 10:35:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  音量控制M62446 m62446 pdf
  // M62446 drving routines, VER 1.0
  // COPYRIGHT (C) 2000, Enbia Technology Inc.
  // Target: 8031
  // Revision History:
  // 2001/1/5 - Original Version
  #include &;reg51.h>
  #include <types.h>
  #include <intrins.h>
  #include <bin.h>
  extern BOOL PIN_M62446_LATCH;
  extern BOOL PIN_M62446_DATA;
  extern BOOL PIN_M62446_CLK;
  static idata WORD shadow_word00=0;
  static idata WORD shadow_word01=0;
  static idata WORD shadow_word10=0;
  static idata WORD shadow_word11=0; // for storing the control word status //
  static BOOL bM62446Muted; // Set when 62446 is muted
  static void Write_M62446_Word(WORD myword);
  // Name: Volume_Validate
  // Description:
  // Arguments:
  // Return value: none
  static BYTE Volume_Validate(char vol)?
  if(vol<0)vol=0; // negative, should be 0
  else if(vol >80) vol=80; // >80, set to 80
  return 80 - vol; // Down to Up
  // Name: Mute_M62446
  // Description:
  // Arguments:
  // Return value: none
  void Mute_M62446(void)?
  Write_M62446_Word(0xa141); // B1010000 1010000 01, B10100001_01000001
  bM62446Muted = 1;
  // Name: UnMute_M62446
  // Description:
  // Arguments:
  // Return value: none
  void UnMute_M62446(void){
  shadow_word01&=0xfffc; shadow_word01|=0x01; Write_M62446_Word(shadow_word01);
  shadow_word10&=0xfffc; shadow_word10|=0x02; Write_M62446_Word(shadow_word10);
  shadow_word11&=0xfffc; shadow_word11|=0x03; Write_M62446_Word(shadow_word11);
  bM62446Muted = 0;
  // Name: Write_M62446_Left
  // Description: This function Write 2 bytes to M62446
  // Arguments:
  // Return value: none
  void Write_M62446_Left(char vol){
  WORD temp;
  // DE=0;DF=1;
  shadow_word01&=0xfffc; shadow_word01|=0x01;
  if (bM62446Muted) return;
  // Name: Write_M62446_Right
  // Description: This function Write 2 bytes to M62446
  // Arguments:
  // Return value: none
  void Write_M62446_Right(char vol){
  WORD temp;
  // DE=0;DF=1;
  shadow_word01&=0xfffc; shadow_word01|=0x01;
  if (bM62446Muted) return;
  // Name: Write_M62446_Center
  // Description: This function Write 2 bytes to M62446
  // Arguments:
  // Return value: none
  void Write_M62446_Center(char vol){
  WORD temp;
  // DE=1;DF=0;
  shadow_word10&=0xfffc; shadow_word10|=0x02;
  if (bM62446Muted) return;
  // Name: Write_M62446_SubWoofer
  // Description: This function Write 2 bytes to M62446
  // Arguments:
  // Return value: none
  void Write_M62446_SubWoofer(char vol){
  WORD temp;
  // DE=1;DF=0;
  shadow_word10&=0xfffc; shadow_word10|=0x02;
  if (bM62446Muted) return;
  // Name: Write_M62446_SurLeft
  // Description: This function Write 2 bytes to M62446
  // Arguments:
  // Return value: none
  void Write_M62446_SurLeft(char vol){
  WORD temp;
  // DE=1;DF=1;
  shadow_word11&=0xfffc; shadow_word11|=0x03;
  if (bM62446Muted) return;
  // Name: Write_M62446_SurRight
  // Description: This function Write 2 bytes to M62446
  // Arguments:
  // Return value: none
  void Write_M62446_SurRight(char vol){
  WORD temp;
  // DE=1;DF=1;
  shadow_word11&=0xfffc; shadow_word11|=0x03;
  if (bM62446Muted) return;
  static BYTE code Treble_Bass_TAB[11]={
  0x0e, // 0, -10db
  0x0c, // 1, -8db
  0x0b, // 2, -6db
  0x0a, // 3, -4db
  0x09, // 4, -2db
  0x00, // 5, 0db
  0x01, // 6, +2db
  0x02, // 7, +4db
  0x03, // 8, +6db
  0x04, // 9, +8db
  0x06 // 10, +10db
  // Name: Write_M62446_Treble
  // Description: This function Write 2 bytes to M62446
  // Arguments: 0-20,
  // 0: -10db
  // 10: 0db
  // 20 +10db
  // Return value: none
  void Write_M62446_Treble(BYTE Treble){
  WORD temp;
  // DE=0;DF=0;
  // Name: Write_M62446_Bass
  // Description: This function Write 2 bytes to M62446
  // Arguments: 0-20,
  // 0: -10db
  // 10: 0db
  // 20 +10db
  // Return value: none
  void Write_M62446_Bass(BYTE Bass){
  WORD temp;
  // DE=0;DF=0;
  // Name: Write_M62446_Bypass
  // Description: This function Write 2 bytes to M62446
  // Arguments: 1, bypass on, 0: off
  // Return value: none
  void Write_M62446_Bypass(BOOL bOnOff){
  if (bOnOff) shadow_word00 |= 0x0004; // On
  else shadow_word00 &= 0xfffb; // off
  // DE=0;DF=0;
  shadow_word00 &= 0xfffc;
  // Name: Write_M62446_Output
  // Description: This function Write 2 bytes to M62446
  // Arguments: port=1-4, BYTE=1 or 0
  // Return value: none
  void Write_M62446_Output(BYTE port, BOOL bOnoff){
  WORD temp, mask=1;
  temp <<= (12-port);
  mask <<= (12-port);
  // DE=0;DF=0;
  #define DELAY() {_nop_(); _nop_(); _nop_(); _nop_(); _nop_(); _nop_(); _nop_(); _nop_();_nop_(); _nop_();
  _nop_(); _nop_();}
  // Name: Write_M62446_Word
  // Description: This function Write 2 bytes to M62446
  // Arguments:
  // Return value: none
  static void Write_M62446_Word(WORD myword){
  register BYTE i;
  for (i=;i>0;--i){
  if(myword & 0x8000) PIN_M62446_DATA=http:///article/88/131/app/2008/1; // MSB first
  else PIN_M62446_DATA=http:///article/88/131/app/2008/0;
  myword<<=1; // Rotate Right
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