2500w激光打印机相位控制,2500W Phase Control
This circuit controls resistive and inductive loads up to 2,500W. Its main functional device is an integrated phase control circuit - Siemens TLE3103. It contains its own power supply, a zero voltage crossing detector circuit and a logic driver. An additional feature is the low voltage input to enable/disable triac firing enabling/disabling the logic driver. The function is as follows: pin13 TLE3103 open (floating), trigger output active, tied to ground trigger output disabled.
An UP and a DOWN pushbutton control a 32-step digital potentiometer (IC2, AD5228) via the debouncer IC1 (MAX6817). The digital potentiometer has a power border=0>
Parts List
Part Value Package
C1 100n C-5
C2 100n C-5
C3 100/ ELC3,81
C4 22n C-5
C5 10n/250VAC C-15
D1 1N4005 DO41-10
IC1 MAX6817 AD-SOT23
IC2 AD5228 DIL08
IC3 TLE3103 DIL-14
J1 TE-03 TERMINAL 5.08
J2 TE-03 TERMINAL 5.08
J3 TE-03 TERMINAL 5.08
L1 68H/3A DS30A
Q1 BTA41-600 TOP3
R1 120R R-10
R2 18K/2W R-18
R3 820K R-10
R4 180K R-10
R5 56K R-10